WP 5

Production and testing of SOC stacks


  • Demonstrate optimized steels, coatings and contact layers in an industrial relevant environment.
  • Demonstrate the use of a cost-effective interconnect development route
  • Demonstrate stable SOC stack operation with the developed materials for > 3000 hours and 50 cycles

The objectives of this work package will be achieved through four rounds of stack manufacturing and testing:
• Short Sunfire and SOLIDpower stacks with  CeCo coated 441 steel from Sandvik (current state of the art) will be tested in a lab based test rig for at least 3000 h. A test report and sections of the tested stack will be delivered for further inspection
• Short Sunfire and SOLIDpower stacks with new contact layers will be tested in a lab-based test rig with >50 thermal cycles. A report on thermal cycling and sections of the stack will be delivered for further inspection.
• Full Sunfire and SOLIDpower stacks with segments containing state of the art materials (steels, coatings, contact layers) and segments containing the new Aperam steel, Sandvik coatings, and DTU contact layers will be tested in industrially relevant conditions in SOFC mode of operation.
• Full Sunfire and SOLIDpower stacks with segments containing state of the art materials (steels, coatings, contact layers) and segments containing a new iteration of these materials based on results from the first full stack will be tested in industrially relevant conditions in SOFC mode of operation.


WP leader: Christian Walter (Sunfire)

13 JANUARY 2025